Trio for two violins and viola
Title / Title: Trio for two violins and viola
Composer / Composer: Leo Brouwer
Format / format: Vln. I, Vln. II and viola
Year / Year: 1956
Edicion Actual / Current edition: 2020
ISBN: 978-959-7259-18-3
Indications page: No
Pages / Pages: 18 (score) / 30 (parts)
Duration: 16 min approx.
Catalog #: 3E.120
Listen here / Listen here
About the work
This work is designed with all the freshness and care of writing that can be imagined, in addition to a very elaborate contrapuntal work. Likewise, the themes are well structured, the harmonies are discovered based on the coloristics of the timbres of the strings and the rhythm presents frequent allusions to Cuban popular music - Cuba that is now perceived more comprehensive and cross-cultural than before. Leo feels his folklore not in a graphic way by having this or that rhythmic or melodic cell, but in an inner, core way and it is here where his assimilation of folklore and the popular is evidenced at the level that is necessary for him.
Isabelle HernƔndez, Leo Brouwer (Havana: Editora musical de Cuba, 2000)